A 13 week journey of soulful healing, spiritual recovery, and emotional understanding that your pregnancy is a present reality, and not just a dream.


Your Fertility

With Sierra Dankenbring

What would your heart say…

If your dream of becoming a mother was more then just a dream, but a reality that could be experienced now.

Infertility is an emotionally, physically, and spiritually straining journey. This sort of strain is counterproductive to begin with. Where there is strain there are holes, and where holes exist our human experience tries to fill with stuff and things. Stuff and things that do not fill the holes in which we believe motherhood would fulfill. So, the cycle repeats another google search, new diet, more shots, home detox, and even a new doctor. This is the line where medicine doesn’t extend. 

Does this sound like you? 

If it does its time to let God again.  

6 weeks of “Becoming your Fertility” is a fruitful walk with God to enhance your fertility, and take you from a dream to harvesting your abundant future. This becoming will be both intimate and transformative.

Your idea of becoming a mother is not just a fairytale to be outgrown, it was placed in your heart for you. 

Now more than ever is the time to learn how to talk to and listen to God as your guide. Over the next six weeks, you will experience and build your community, deepen your inner spiritual connection and listening with God, and gain a deep understanding of your inner wisdom. 

What’s included? Bi-weekly group coaching sessions, unlimited Facebook group support (during the six weeks), weekly body love sessions zoom sessions, bi-weekly walking meditation sessions, and 6 weeks of transformational training modules.

13 Weeks of life-giving training modules. 

This is where the birth of your transformation will continuously come from because you will have lifetime access.

Meditations, Reflections, Healing, Inner connection to knowing, and more. These modules will nurture and secure your path to fertility and birthing the possibilities of your future. 

Bi-weekly group Coaching support with Sierra.

In these sessions, you will learn how to come back to the most important principle of this journey and that is love. These sessions are essential to you mastering the art of unconditional love. 

Unlimited Facebook group support. (Within 24 hours)

The Facebook group is where community and friendship are delivered. This is your transformational birth team.

Weekly unconditional body love sessions.

In these sessions, we will practice returning to kindness and compassion with our stomach, pelvic floor, uterus, heart, and so much more. These sessions are meant to be healing and serve as a reminder that our bodies (AS THEY ARE) are magnificent and know exactly what to do when we learn how to communicate with them.

Bi-weekly walking meditation sessions with Sierra

This is where we will learn how to apply the principles in both our group calls and modules to our everyday lives. 

Bonus content:

Self Massage (MLD, Dry Brushing, and Fertility Enhancing Techniques), House Hold Product Swaps (To best serve your energetic, and hormonal health), partner intimacy techniques (to rebuild connection), cycle tracking, and so much more.